Superfoods for health and longevity – part 5

Superfoods for health and longevity – part 5

Today is the second-to-last part of my mini-series on superfoods you can add to your dog’s food today, whether you feed kibble, canned, cooked, raw, or a combination.  Each food I write about has unique properties that can contribute to better health and a...
Comforting your dog, should you do it or not? 

Comforting your dog, should you do it or not? 

In this time of New Year celebrations with fireworks (here in the Netherlands, a lot of this is happening in December), the loud bangs cause anxiety for many dogs. I occasionally come across the question of whether you should comfort your scared dog. This could be a...
Christmas time…

Christmas time…

Hopefully a time of warmth and good company, and thankfully, it usually is. What it certainly is: a time when everything is “different than usual.” We cook and eat other things than usual, get visitors, and/or go on visits.  Routines change. Sometimes, we...
Superfoods for health and longevity – part 4

Superfoods for health and longevity – part 4

Today we are already on part 4  of my mini series of blog posts about superfoods you can start adding to your dog’s bowl, whether you feed a diet of kibble, canned, cooked,  raw or a combination of those.  Every single one of the foods I will write about has special...
Superfoods for health and longevity – part 3

Superfoods for health and longevity – part 3

Here is part 3 of my mini series of blog posts about superfoods you can start adding to your dog’s bowl today, whether you feed a diet of kibble, canned, cooked,  raw or a combination of those.  Every single one of the foods I will write about has special attributes...