Excess weight in older dogs: why it’s more dangerous than you think
In this blog I would like to talk about a problem that nobody really likes to discuss: dogs carrying extra pounds. Many people don’t realize that a few extra kilos on their dog can cause more damage than they think. Obesity in older dogs isn’t just a...
Senior Dog Tales – Episode 2: Is your senior dog in pain? Signs you might be missing!
A common misconception I often come across is that senior dogs always slow down and become less active as they age. And that can be true. But very often, when a dog becomes noticeably less active, something else is going on. In this episode, I’m going to talk about...
The hidden pain: why dental care matters for senior dogs
Here in The Netherlands, February marks the “Month of the Mouth” – a time when veterinarians across the country put extra focus on raising awareness about pet dental health. This annual initiative reminds us that our pets’ oral care deserves...